Memmert GmbH + Co. KG

Memmert GmbH + Co. KG

Germany | 1.2E518


Laboratory apparatus | Biotechnology/Pharmaceutical | Life science and dignostics

Biotechnology Pharmaceutical | Chemistry and Chemical Industry | Life Science | Education, Scientific & Research Institute | Foodstuff Analysis | Electronics and Semiconductors | Environmental analysis | Inspection and Quarantine | Material Analysis | Industrial Manufacturing | Energy Source and Petroleum Chemical | Disease Control and Prevention | Textile | Agriculture, Forestry, Fishery and Animal Husbandry | Steel and Metallurgy | Aeronautics and astronautics | Third-party Testing and Services | Manufacturer of Instruments,Equipment | Dealer | Others

Company Profile

Memmert is an innovation leader in the development of heating ovens, incubators, climate chambers as well as waterbaths and oilbaths for a wide range of applications in biological, pharmaceutical and food research as well as industrial quality testing. All parameters are controlled with the utmost precision to ensure a controlled atmosphere in our temperature control appliances.

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