Implen GmbH

Implen GmbH

Germany | 1.2E517

Analysis and Quality Control

Analytical instruments and technologies

Biotechnology Pharmaceutical | Life Science | Education, Scientific & Research Institute

Company Profile

Implen GmbH, Germany is a leading supplier for
spectroscopy instruments for the analysis /
quantification of ultra-low volume liquid samples. Using
patented technologies the NanoPhotometer® product
line serve the demand for accurate and cost effective
analysis for a wide range of liquid samples in modern
biological, chemical, and pharmaceutical laboratories in
industry and research. Implen’s Sample Compression
Technology™ allows very accurate and reliable
measurement of liquid samples as low as 0.3 μl even
with low surface tension (e.g. Proteins). By forming a
capillary film between two quartz surfaces evaporation
is absolutely minimized. Implen’s True Path
Technology™ guarantees accurate measurement over
the extensive dynamic range starting from 1ng/μl –
16.500 ng/μl (dsDNA) with only two precisely defined
path lengths. The sealed mechanical setup is providing
two fixed anchor points that are not changing over the
entire lifetime of the instrument. No recalibration is

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